Flea and Parasite Protection for Ferrets

Are you confused by the options to prevent heartworm, fleas and other parasites in your ferret?

The chart below gives an overview of each product; protection against the parasites in RED is considered necessary in all ferrets; fleas can cause fatal anaemia very quickly and ear mites are very common. We also recommend including heartworm prevention; the risk may be low but the consequences are severe if caught.

Warning: Never use products any other products made for dogs or cats without veterinary advice. If treating multiple animals, keep them separated until the product disappears to avoid the treatment being licked.


Prevents: Heartworm, Fleas

Comes as: 0.4ml of 100mg/mL imidacloprid and 10mg/mL moxidectin applied to the back of the neck on a monthly basis. This is usually the version ‘for kittens and small cats’. Brands include Freehold, Nugard, PetVantage, Exi-Flea, Moxiclear, Excelpet, Advocate.

  • Only registered treatment for heartworm in ferrets
  • Likely to also treat ear mites (claim not registered)
  • Rapid flea control

How to Use Imidacloprid/Moxidectin

These products should not be used in ferrets less than 0.8kg body weight, which is close to adult size for a female (for fleas in ferrets weighing less than this, use imidacloprid alone, see below). Animals can be bathed after 48 hours, but if bathing is done frequently, some loss of effect of flea control may occur. The solvent may damage clothing and painted surfaces so take care after applying it, and avoid placing it where the animal can lick.


Prevents: fleas

Comes as: 0.4ml of 100mg/mL imidacloprid applied to the back of the neck on a monthly basis. Brands include Exi-Flea and Advantage ‘for puppies and small dogs up to 4kg’.

Fast, effective flea control

How to Use Imidacloprid

It is not clear at what age or weight imidacloprid can be first used so some caution is advised in very small or young animals (a common strategy with mixed groups such as mother and offspring is to only treat the adults as some spillover of drug will usually protect the young). The solvent may damage clothing and painted surfaces so take care after applying it, and avoid placing it where the animal can lick.