Emergency facts (details below):
When a dog suddenly falls over or cannot use their back legs, it is usually an emergency. You should travel to a vet.
On the way, take a video if you can. Here are some things to look for:
- Is there muscle movement? This is common in seizures or poisonings.
- Is the dog unconscious? Look for a lack of response and passing urine or faeces.
- Are the eyes moving? Vestibular disease causes nystagmus or eye flicking.
- Is the heart rhythm normal? Place your hand on the chest and try to feel it.
- How long does it last? Fainting and airway issues usually only last for seconds.
- Is recovery quick? After seizures, dogs commonly appear incoordinated for some time.
- What was the dog doing beforehand? Cardiac, respiratory and thermal problems are more common after exercise.
Cardiac arrest is an extremely uncommon cause, and therefore it is not recommended to try CPR. You will see that most causes either recover by themselves or require treatment that only a vet can give.
Now let’s dive deeper into each of these causes…
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